
President Foundation

Stefan Engler


The Foundation Board


Stefan Engler
Council of States, President SwitzerlandMobility Foundation

Erich Bapst

SwitzerlandMobility Marketing Group, Manager


Helena Bigler
Procap, Responsible travel and sports


Mariette Brunner
Loipen Schweiz, President


Silvio Ciccone
Swiss Federal Railways SFR, First and Last Mile


André Hefti
Switzerland Tourism, Member of the Management Board


Urs Isenegger
Swisstopo, Process manager products and distribution


René Kaufmann 
Liechtensteinische Landesverwaltung, advisory voice

Jean-Baptiste Leimgruber
Canton of Vaud, Service de la promotion de l'économie et de l'innovation


Manuela Lüthi
PostBus Switzerland Ltd, Head of Sales «Mitte»


Felix Maurhofer
Swiss Touring Club, editor-in-chief Touring


Reto Meyer
VeloSuisse, Executive committee member


René Michel
Swiss Alpine Club, Member of the Central Managing Committee

Philipp Niederberger
Swiss Tourism Federation, Director


Thomas Peter
Swiss Cycling, Secretary General


Michael Roschi
Swiss Hiking Federation, Manager

Jeremias Schläfli
SwissCanoe, Secretary General


Dr. Ulrich Seewer
Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE, Vice-Director


Dr. Stefan Siegrist
BPA, Director


Ueli Stückelberger
UTP, Director


Stefan Studer
Office des ponts et chaussées du Canton de Berne, Representative of the DTAP

Martin Urwyler
Federal Roads Office FEDRO, division manager slow traffic and historical traffic routes


Dominique Weissen Abgottspon
Swiss Parks Network, General Manager


PRO VELO Switzerland

Foundation committee


Stefan Engler
Council of States, President SwitzerlandMobility Foundation

Silvio Ciccone
Swiss Federal Railways SFR, First and Last Mile


André Hefti
Switzerland Tourism, Member of the Management Board

Michael Roschi
Swiss Hiking Federation, Manager

Dr. Ulrich Seewer
Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE, Vice-Director


Stefan Studer
Office des ponts et chaussées du Canton de Berne, Representative of the DTAP


Martin Urwyler
Federal Roads Office FEDRO, division manager slow traffic and historical traffic routes





Employees / Contractors


Katrin Allemand


Adina Amrhein


Ronja Bächle


Alice Bögli, Member of the executive board


Melanie Boillat


Michael Bur

Markus Capirone, Velobüro GmbH (contractor)


Flurin Dürst

Seraina Etter

Christian Friker

Christian Frischknecht, Secretary General

Martin Gutbub


Matthias Güntensperger

Dominique Heinzmann

Bruno Hirschi


Dominik Hug

Thomas Ledergerber, Velobüro GmbH (contractor)

Beatrice Nünlist, Velobüro GmbH (contractor)

Anna Rosenlöhner

Lorenz Schweizer

Dave Spielmann

Lukas Stadtherr, Member of the executive board

Andreas Steiner


Franziska Thallinger

Martin Utiger, Member of the executive board





Gfeller + Partner AG, Bern